National Drilling Services

Why use Wire Sawing

When to use wire sawing rather than track sawing?

Why use Wire Sawing

Wire sawing as a technique for cutting is an alternative to track sawing and is a popular option for many reasons. The operatives at National Drilling Services often use wire sawing to cut through heavily reinforced concrete. National Drilling Services may be well known, as our name suggests, for drilling but we also provide a range of cutting, sawing and demolition services. In fact, many of our clients in the construction industry use us for all of these services on sites all around the UK.

Why use wire sawing?

Use Wire Sawing
As suggested above, there are many advantages to using wire sawing when cutting heavily reinforced concrete. Our operatives at National Drilling Services choose to use the wire sawing technique particularly on larger structures. Sometimes the scale of the building means that access can be challenging, but wire sawing can be used successfully in these cases. Wire sawing is ideal to use in complex situations where accuracy and speed are required to cut through large areas of reinforced concrete.

How does wire sawing work?

Wire sawing is a cutting technique which uses a multi stranded cable or ‘wire’ which is fitted with a series of diamond beads threaded through a series of pulleys. As the cable or wire is pulled through the concrete or masonry it creates a cut which is both accurate and fast. Due to the friction of the wire against the concrete it quickly becomes hot, so water is used to cool the wire down. This also helps to keep the dust down creating a better working environment for the operatives as well as a high speed and accurate cut.

Advantages of using wire sawing

Apart from being fast and accurate, the wire sawing cutting technique has other benefits too:

  • Cuts can be made to unlimited depths
  • It is the quickest and most flexible method of cutting for heavily reinforced concrete
  • Cuts through even the thickest sections of construction materials
  • It leaves the remaining structure in tact and damage free
  • Health and safety requirements are easily met as there are:
  • low levels of noise
  • no fumes
  • no percussive issues
  • less risks to operatives because it is operated via a remote control

Why use Wire Sawing Methods
You can read about wire sawing on our services page. To find out more about how National Drilling Services can use wire sawing as a technique for cutting on your construction sites you can call us on 0161 443 2822. Alternatively, you can contact one of our local offices.

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