National Drilling Services

Wire Sawing

At National Drilling Services, our wire sawing service offers a highly effective cutting solution for large, reinforced concrete structures. Our wire sawing process utilises the technique of threading a continuous diamond-studded cable through pulleys to achieve deep, accurate cuts. Water is pumped alongside the cutting wire to cool it and minimise dust, providing cleaner, safer work sites.


This manual and remote-controlled systems require no noisy gas engines or breakers, resulting in unlimited depths with minimal noise or vibrations. Complex jobsites with limited space are easily navigated. Nowhere is our expertise in wire sawing more valuable than when removing or modifying heavily reinforced sections like bridge decks, columns and beams.


Our experienced technicians are experts in using wire sawing to cleanly cut even the deepest, most densely reinforced sections with tremendous speed. National Drilling Services produces straight, smooth edges along any alignment without damaging adjacent surfaces.


For demanding demolition, reconstruction or renovation projects requiring thick concrete cuts, wire sawing is unparalleled. It remains the premier solution when both rapid cut rates and perfect edge quality are mission critical. Complex jobs like segmented bridge demolition or integrated foundation pours for large buildings are completed swiftly and precisely with our wire sawing division’s specialised equipment and professional operators. Cuts are achieved regardless of reinforcement density or sectional thickness.

Wire Sawing FAQs

  • Depth of cut - Wire sawing allows for cuts of unlimited depth, which isn't possible with track saws or circular saws. This makes it suitable for heavy demolition work.
  • Reinforcement - The wire can cut through even the most densely reinforced concrete sections without damage, unlike breakers which struggle with rebar.
  • Speed - cuts of up to 30cm per minute mean wire sawing is faster than traditional breaking for heavy cuts.
  • Accessibility - The flexible cable can navigate limited workspaces and access points that exclude the use of other machinery.
  • Control - The remote-controlled system allows for safe cutting from a protected area away from dust.
  • Cleanliness - Integrated water systems minimize noise, dust and debris for cleaner, safer working conditions.
  • Vibration & noise - Low vibrations and noise versus breakers reduce disturbance to adjacent structures.
  • Cost & schedules - Faster cutting translates to lower overall costs and permits more complex projects to be completed on schedule.

Wire sawing is most used to cut reinforced concrete but can also be used on other hard materials like granite, basalt, bricks and steel objects.

With the right wire saw setup, cuts of over 1 metre thick can be achieved in heavy duty concrete applications like bridge or dam demolition.

With a specialised diamond impregnated wire, rebar and steel beams can be cut. However, thinner rebar is more easily managed.

Our systems include powerful water pumps which control dust very well. Cuts are cleaner than alternatives like breaking which generate more loose debris.

A pre-start survey is needed to assess access and layouts. We can also provide cutting plans, schedules and method statements as part of our planning services.

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