National Drilling Services

Who would you ask about expansion joint sealing?

concrete bursting

Expansion joint sealing is perhaps more specialist than some people may realise.  The reason being because the timing that the sealing takes place after a surface has been laid or set is quite important.  The technicians at National Drilling Services have the capability, knowledge and equipment to ensure that expansion joint sealing occurs at the appropriate time and is completed with the best sealant to suit each particular job and environment.

Why is the environment important to expansion joint sealing?

Changing environments are exactly the reason why we need expansion joint sealing.  You might wonder why you would seal an expansion joint at all as why cut an expansion joint or leave a gap if you are only going to fill it again?  Expansion joints, as most site workers will know, allow surfaces to expand and contract according to the atmospherics.  Having an expansion joint which is filled with the appropriate sealant will allow the surface to change according to heat and moisture levels, reducing the likelihood of cracking and the surface breaking down and deteriorating. Expansion joint sealant also helps to decrease breakdown of the surface which could occur if the joint is not sealed.

joint sealing national drilling

The conditions surrounding a new road, carpark or floor will obviously vary considerably across sites.  Some are indoor, some external and some maybe covered but open to the elements at the side.  These factors alone can impact on the way floors or surfaces are sealed.  Add to that the temperature and level of humidity and you can start to see that these will all impact on drying or setting time and also expansion likelihood and speed.

The operatives at National Drilling can work in any environment, on large or small sites, indoor or outdoor.  We have tested a number of different sealant products favouring sealants from Fosroc and Permaban.  However, we do also use other well known manufacturers’ sealant products.  Similarly, we can also repair cracks in concrete.  To do this we inject the chased out crack with resin and then fill with thixotropic epoxy paste.

expansion joint sealing national drilling

To find out more about our expansion joint sealing methods take a look at our webpage  For further information and to talk about your particular site requirements and surface material please call us on 0161 443 2822 or alternatively email us [email protected].  National Drilling Services, as our name suggests, operate all over the UK, with offices dotted around the country to allow us to over expansion sealing requirements across the nation.

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