National Drilling Services

Which product to use for expansion joint sealing?

There are many products available for use in expansion joint sealing.  At National Drilling Services we have tested many of these products, to see which we think perform the best. Our operatives will assess the environment and circumstances of each expansion joint sealing job and select a sealing product appropriate to that particular situation.

National Drilling Services works with products from all the major expansion joint sealing manufacturers.  The main expansion joint sealing products which we tend to use are Fosroc and Permaban but we also use a number of other products with which you may be familiar.

The environment and expansion joint sealing

In recent weeks we have seen how quickly the weather can change, from an unseasonably warm autumn to a wild storm with wind and snow wreaking havoc across the north of the UK.  Invariably in such circumstances materials are liable to expand and contract.  This is why it is so important to employ expansion joint cutting and then expansion joint sealing.  This allows movement whilst reducing the risk of cracking.

Expansion joints are typically sealed with permaban tape then injected with resin to create a flexible seal.  This fills in the expansion cut but allows the material to expand and contract, so reducing the risk of cracks occurring.

What happens if cracks occur?

It is not unusual for cracks to occur in concrete floors from time to time.  However, our skilled and experienced technicians can provide a repair service to ensure that such cracks do not cause further damage or risk to the integrity of the structure of the floor.  At National Drilling Services we have a process for repairing cracks.

Firstly we chase out the crack using a diamond blade.  We then drill holes within the crack which are then injected with resin to penetrate the concrete slab and prevent further cracking. The crack or cracks are then sealed using a thixotropic epoxy paste.  This will appear to be proud of the crack initially whilst it sets.  However the following day our technicians will return and sand the proud set paste until there is a smooth finish.

To discuss how we can help you with your expansion joint sealing requirements call us on 0161 443 2822.  Alternatively you can speak to one of our team at our regional offices which may be closer to your site or message us via email or on our contact page, where you will also find the regional contact details.

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