National Drilling Services

When do you need diamond wire sawing?

concrete bursting

For larger structures, it is not always possible to use standard track sawing techniques.  This is when diamond wire sawing comes into its own.  National Drilling Services, whilst well known as being the UK leader for drilling services, also has a range of quality sawing equipment.  This enables us to provide, not only diamond wire sawing but also chain sawing, ring sawing, floor sawing, electric floor sawing and track sawing.  Diamond wire sawing is commonly used where large amounts of reinforced concrete need to be cut. This technique is particularly useful when access is restricted or the area to be cut is hard to get to.

What is diamond wire sawing?

Diamond wire sawing is a method of providing a deep clean cut.  The diamonds are in the form of diamond beads fitted onto a multi-stranded wire – hence the name.  This diamond beaded wire is then guided to the cutting site via a series of pulleys.  As diamonds are a naturally hard substance, this method of diamond wire sawing can be used to cut through rock, masonry and reinforced concrete.  In fact, this method originated in the quarry industry no doubt used to cut through rock faces.  As you may imagine this method soon creates heat through friction.  To keep the wire continuously cooled, water is directed onto the cutting area.  This has the dual benefit of not just cooling the wire but also reducing the dust levels.

Diamond Wire Sawing Machine


How deep a cut can be made using diamond wire sawing?

Another reason for using diamond wire sawing for larger cutting requirements and with heavy rock and concrete is because it can cut to unlimited depths.  There are other benefits to using diamond wire sawing including those listed below:


  • This technique is fast, so helping you to keep to your construction site deadlines
  • It is flexible and can be used in a variety situations and sites including those with restricted access
  • This method of cutting has relatively low noise levels, presenting less health and safety issues
  • It is also fume free, so there’s a reduced risk to workers and operators located near to the cutting site
  • The sawing is operated remotely and is non-percussive so there is very little risk to the operator

wire sawing


To find out more about how we could use diamond wire sawing to help with fast, deep or large scale cutting for your next construction project just give us a call 0161 443 2822 or you can drop us an email outlining the details [email protected].  To find out more about National Drilling Services as a company visit our website.

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