National Drilling Services

Concrete Floor Repair & Joint Sealant

For industrial flooring, National Drilling Services provides full concrete repair services. Our certified specialists are proficient in filling cracks, levelling repairing floors, and applying joint sealants.

Cracks Filling and Surface Restoration

Among the most reliable methods for fixing fractures in concrete is by utilising a high-quality elastic sealant developed particularly for the task.

The self-levelling consistency of joint sealant permits it to fill fractures from the bottom up, bonding firmly to the concrete surface areas. This develops an impenetrable barrier versus moisture, dirt, and destructive materials.

Unlike other sealants, Armor Joint remains extremely elastic long after application, accommodating any small motion around the crack. Its polyurethane formula will not dry out or end up being breakable gradually. Filling fractures with Armour Joint is a cost-effective and long-lasting option that helps protect concrete from early wear and tear.

Get in touch to talk to one of the team to discuss your concrete floor repair/armour joint sealant requirements.


Concrete Joint Sealant

Unlike other sealants, Armor Joint remains extremely elastic long after application, accommodating any small motion around the crack. Its polyurethane formula will not dry out or end up being breakable gradually. Filling fractures with Armour Joint is a cost-effective and long-lasting option that helps protect concrete from early wear and tear.”

Concrete Floor Repair / Joint Sealant FAQs

Properly maintained, fractured fills and overlays can hold up against usage for 10-15 years depending on traffic levels. Our service warranties ensure protection.

We provide quotes and schedule work effectively around operations. Certified professionals perform minimally disruptive repair work.

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