National Drilling Services

Sawing through a concrete floor

sawing through a concrete floor

Concrete floor sawing requires specialist blades and equipment alongside trained operators who have the expertise and experience to carry out the job precisely and efficiently.  At National Drilling Services we have all the specialist equipment, including a stock of blades of various sizes, to enable our skilled operators to provide a range of sawing services. You may know us for our drilling services on construction sites across the UK, but we also provide a wide range of sawing services.  These include concrete floor sawing, track or wall sawing, wire sawing, ring sawing and chainsawing. You can read more about our full range of services.


Why do we need specialist blades to saw through concrete floors?


Concrete is obviously designed to be a tough material to withstand heavy loads, pressure and to be durable.  Therefore, when it then needs to be cut for further construction, development or to allow services to be installed, it is a tough job for floor sawing equipment. The aggregate content of concrete is very abrasive to blades and drill pieces which is why we use diamond edged blades. Diamond is one of the hardest naturally occurring materials, so helps to cut through hard concrete floors.


How we protect blades when concrete floor sawing 


The National Drilling Services operators use water during concrete floor sawing to help prolong the life of these special blades. However, the water has other benefits to the process.  Using water cools the blades so they don’t get too hot from the friction of the two hard surfaces.  An extra benefit of the water is that it also keeps the dust to a minimum leaving a sharp clean cut in your concrete floor. With the environment at the top of people’s minds and management’s agendas, it is also good to know that water helps the process to be more environmentally friendly.


Precision of concrete floor sawing


When you use National Drilling Services for your concrete floor sawing requirements you will know that the cut will be clean, sharp and precise. Our operators carefully mark the floor where the cut is to be made and clean any debris from the surface ensuring the cut is made accurately and efficiently.  The operator follows the equipment as it cuts, watching carefully to ensure it follows the marks exactly. To talk to us about your concrete floor sawing requirements or any other sawing or drilling needs at your construction sites around the UK, call us on 0161 443 2822.

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