Over three decades ago when our business ‘National Drilling Services’ was formed, the term ‘robotic demolition’ would really have sounded like something out of a sci-fi film or some futuristic idea. However fast forward 30 years and not only does robotic demolition exist, but we have our very own Brokk 100 robotic demolition machine. Even for the non technical amongst us, the Brokk 100 is an exciting piece of kit to watch in action. You might not get quite so much drama as with a swinging wrecking ball. There may not be the crowds of the 1970s and 1980s coming to watch as factory chimneys are cleared from industrial sites to make way for modern structures. However, more importantly in an era when health and safety at work is constantly under scrutiny, we can guarantee you get a much improved level of safety and accuracy with this robotic demolition machine.

What is better about robotic demolition?

There are so many advantages to using the Brokk 100 robotic demolition machine, which is why the management at National Drilling Services decided to invest in one solely for our business. Apart from the improved safety aspects referred to above, this robotic demolition machine has a number of impressive features. It is much smaller than you might imagine which means it can be transported between sites on a standard trailer. As it is robotic and operated by a remote controller, the operative can stand a safe distance away from where the demolition is taking place. The control unit allows precision moves and extremely accurate demolition, again improving safety and efficiency. For us one of the most impressive features of the Brokk 100 robotic demolition machine is the fact that it can climb stairs and fit into lifts.

You might be mistaken into thinking that something this compact may lack in power. We can assure you that this is quite the opposite. This robotic demolition machine is extremely powerful and in fact it is 35% more powerful than its predecessor. If you would like to find out more about the Brokk 100 robotic demolition machine and how it could facilitate your demolition project then see our webpage: https://www.nationaldrilling.co.uk/robotic-demolition/. Alternatively, contact our team on 0161 443 2822. If you want to tell us more about your demolition requirements you can also email us [email protected].