National Drilling Services

Robotic demolition helps clear your site ready for construction

concrete bursting

‘Regeneration’ is a watchword often used in the construction industry in modern times.  It usually relates to waterfronts and derelict industrial areas as well as city centres.  When these sites are procured for construction, often they need to be cleared first and that is where our demolition experts at National Drilling Services recommend robotic demolition.

What is robotic demolition?

Robotic demolition helps clear your site

Robotic demolition uses a remotely controlled powerful robot to demolish old buildings, walls, chimneys and any other form of construction, which needs removing from your construction site. In former times this would have been carried out using a wrecking ball, which achieved the same result but with a greater amount of risk, time taken and less accuracy.

So what is so special about robotic demolition?

National Drilling Services is proud to be the owners of a Brokk demolition machine.  The Brokk 100 is often described as a powerhouse in the demolition industry. It is 35% more powerful than its predecessor. You might be surprised just how compact it is considering its power capability.  Most of our clients are impressed that such a powerful unit can be easily transported on a standard truck.  Our investment in the Brokk 100 was not a decision we took lightly, but it indeed is not one we will regret.  The benefits of having the capability to offer robotic demolition to the construction industry are multifold.  Let’s look at the advantages of robotic demolition in clearing a construction site in preparation for a rebuild.

  • Having precision control over the unit results in improved accuracy over traditional demolition methods
  • As the machine is very adaptable to uneven surfaces it has improved manoeuvrability over rubble compared with other demolition equipment
  • The above two points result in increased efficiency when using a robotic demolition option
  • As it is controlled remotely, staff are not required to be sat on or in the unit while it is being operated, so resulting in reduced risks to the safety of these operators
  • With the Brokk demolition machine being relatively small it can access areas which historically would have caused challenges to demolition teams in the past, in fact it can even fit into lifts and climb stairs!
  • Using robotic demolition the experienced team at National Drilling Services can cover the vast majority of demolition jobs

To find out more about how our robotic demolition can help with your construction project, give us a call on 0161 443 2822 or you can email [email protected] or contact us through our enquiry form on our website.

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