National Drilling Services

Robotic demolition energy efficiencies

Robotic demolition energy efficiencies: Energy and fuel have been hot topics of discussion in the media in recent months, in relation to both cost and climate.  National Drilling Services operates robotic demolition machines, which provide power in a compact unit. They are energy efficient and safe to use. Our robotic demolition machine is so small that it can be transported to your site on a standard trailer, demonstrating further fuel efficiency, avoiding the cost and fuel of heavy transport.  The team at National Drilling Services understands the issues that you might come up against during total or partial building demolition.  Our operators are skilled in controlling the robotic demolition units to ensure maximum efficiency on your project.

What is robotic demolition?

Robotic demolition, as its name suggests, is a modern method of demolition in the form of a remote controlled machine.  The Brokk 100 robotic demolition unit, although relatively small, is extremely powerful and efficient.  As it is controlled remotely, it offers a higher degree of safety during the demolition for the operator and those working on the site, compared with traditional methods. Remote operation also eliminates the risk of hand arm vibration or ‘white finger’  typically associated with percussive manually operated machine work. Powered by electric, there are no concerns about damaging exhaust fumes, which makes it ideal for operating in confined or enclosed spaces.

Are you concerned about how our robotic demolition machine will reach higher floors?

As the robotic demolition unit is so compact and versatile, it can fit inside a lift shaft and even climb stairs. So there will be no issues in reaching upper floors where demolition is required. Our small robotic demolition units have also been known to work from scaffolding when needed if access is not available from inside the building or structure.

Is robotic demolition noisy?

The simple answer to this is no.  The robotic demolition machine operates with the minimal amount of noise depending which attachment is being used.  Which tells you something else about this compact powerhouse – a variety of attachments are available according to what is required to be demolished at your site.  Our operators will work with your site manager or project manager to understand what is required and find the best solution to efficiently complete your demolition.

Find out more about he Robotic demolition energy efficiencies: many of our clients come back to us to ask for our robotic demolition services when they take on new construction sites and projects as they know how reliable and efficient our operators are.To find out more and to discuss your demolition site plans and how we can use robotic demolition to help you, give our team a call on 0161 443 2822.  Alternatively, you can contact us where you can also select one of our regional office numbers.

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