National Drilling Services

Need To Remove Reinforced Concrete? Wire Sawing could Help

concrete bursting

On construction sites, where you need to remove large sections of reinforced concrete, wire sawing can be your only option.  At National Drilling Services we are experts in not just drilling but sawing and demolition as well.  Whether your project requires you to remove large sections of heavily reinforced concrete as part of a bridge, tower, column, wall or pier, wire sawing provides a suitable solution to help achieve your objectives.  This is also commonly used where space is tight and access is difficult.  National Drilling is a well-established business with expertise in wire sawing in various conditions, at locations across the UK.

Why use National Drilling Services for your Wire Sawing?

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National Drilling is a go to supplier to the UK construction industry.  Our clients say we are a leader in our field of specialism, with many of our clients seeking us out for repeat business.  We have carried out wire sawing, other sawing techniques, drilling and demolition, using our specialist equipment, operated by our skilled technicians for over 30 years.  Operating around the clock we can provide the skills and services you need to fit within your time schedule and access to the site.  Health and safety is key for our team of operators so you will have no concerns about us adhering to the operational safety standards on your construction site.  For more information see our dedicated page.

Benefits of Wire Sawing

Using wire sawing techniques results in less wastage as there is a smaller kerf than you would get using a standard saw, due to the notches.  Our technicians at National Drilling use wire sawing where a deep cut is required, as the depth for cutting with this method is unlimited.  With wire sawing, the wire is continually lubricated by water, to prevent friction and eliminate the risk of fire.  By using water whilst sawing, the dust levels are minimal unlike with other sawing techniques.  Other benefits are:

  • Low noise levels, which is not just a benefit to the operating technician but also where construction sites are in urban areas or where night work is required
  • Fast and flexible which means cuts are achieved quickly and efficiently
  • Fume-free which is ideal for confined spaces or areas which are not well-ventilated
  • None percussive which benefits the operator
  • It is controlled remotely which improves the safety levels
  • Ideal for larger structures where track sawing is not possible

To discuss your wire sawing requirements further, contact us and talk to one of our friendly experts on 0161 443 2822.

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