National Drilling Services are pleased to announce that we have become a member of the Avetta Consortium. Avetta ensure that every workplace is safe and sustainable by building stronger relationships with clients and suppliers.
Membership of the scheme demonstrates that National Drilling Services operate and comply to the highest industry standards within the legislative, Health & Safety and environmental contractor framework, giving confidence to others in the supply chain, cutting time and risk. As members of the Avetta Consortium, National Drilling Services are making supply chains safer and more sustainable by enabling trusted client supplier partnerships.
National Drilling Services are the UK’s leading provider of drilling services. We are the market leaders in the construction industry with years of experience and continued growth. National Drilling Services pride ourselves on delivering a 24/7, reliable, professional and hassle-free service whilst maintaining the highest health and safety standards. This makes us the number one choice for diamond core drilling, industrial floor sawing and robotic demolition throughout the UK.
For more information look at the National Drilling Services website or contact us on 0161 443 2822.