National Drilling Services

Looking for expertise in electric floor sawing?

Special modern equipment for high quality floor installation.

Electric floor sawing is one of the services that National Drilling provides using specialist machinery alongside well-established industry expertise.  Based in the North West, National Drilling, although renowned in the industry for our drilling services, also offers cutting, sawing and demolition.  Electric floor sawing uses the same process as standard floor drilling but utilises an alternative power source.

There are 3 options for powering our electric floor saw.  It can be powered by 3 phase electric, petrol or diesel according to the constraints on site, conditions, location or access restrictions.  The 3 phase electric option is ideal for use on indoor projects or where fumes need to be avoided due to risks they may cause in the area or to personnel operating nearby.  However, diesel or petrol may be more practical when working on highway projects due to the inaccessibility of an electrical source.

Electric floor sawing is not just for floors but any horizontal surface


Although the terminology ‘electric floor sawing’ is commonplace in the industry it doesn’t just relate to floors in buildings. It is a technique often used on highways for repairing road surfaces, pavements and motorways as it can be used to cut through asphalt, concrete and heavily reinforced concrete slabs.  It is used not only to remove or in repair of damaged surfaces but also is effective in cutting channels for expansion joints or drainage ducts.  Many of the utility companies use this method for laying new cables or pipes.  Alternatively, electric floor sawing is also commonly used for creating access for stairwells or new lift shafts.

What are the benefits of using electric floor sawing?

The benefits of employing National Drilling to provide electric floor sawing are listed below:

  • ideal for use for cutting large openings
  • clean cuts for surface repair
  • the solution when fast cutting speeds are required
  • keeps adjacent surfaces or floors undisturbed

To enquire about electric floor sawing, see our webpage.  Alternatively, if you would like to discuss your electric floor sawing requirements or other drilling, sawing, cutting or demolition requirements relating to your project then please call us on 0161 443 2822.  If you would like to send us supporting documentation or specifications for the project you are managing you can also email us [email protected].

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