Hilti PS300 Ferroscan – National Drilling Services is excited to be able to offer a new service for scanning concrete structures…
So, what are the main features of the HiltiPS300 Ferroscan Concrete Scanning System:
• Easily portable high tech concrete scanner
• ‘Smart’ detection tool for locating rebars
• Integrated touch screen display
• Instant data imagery on site
• Complex data collection for detailed analysis
• Robust design protects from dust and moisture
In addition to our drilling and sawing services, our trained operators can now provide concrete scanning services using this high tech equipment to:
• Scan concrete to locate reinforcing bars or ‘rebars’
• Make assessments for structural repair
• Ensure structures meet specifications for permanent and applied loads
• Check structures are suitable for purpose in extreme temperatures
How does the HILTI PS300 FERROSCAN System benefit customers?

• Saves time required to be on site
• Provides instant imagery with real time views of concrete structures
• Gives access to further detailed data for structural analysis away from site
What are the specifications of the PS300 HILTI FERROSCAN System?
• 4 hours of battery life
• Scan speed of up to 0.5m/s
• 3GB of built in flash memory
• Capability to scan up to 50m in one pass
• Scan depth of up to 200mm
• IP54 rated
You can find out more information about the Hilti PS300 Ferroscan System or other methods for concrete or rebar scanning, simply call us on 0161 443 2822 to discuss your particular site needs.