National Drilling Services

Expansion joint cutting to meet structural engineering specifications

Expansion Joint Cutting Sawing

The depth required for expansion joint cutting depends on the thickness of the concrete slab and the structural engineering specifications for the development or site.  Generally expansion joints are cut to a quarter or a third of the depth of the slab thickness.  National Drilling Services has an experienced team of operators who understand the importance of expansion joint cutting freshly poured concrete surfaces. The timing of carrying out this cutting service is key to its success.  It is recommended that expansion joints are cut within 24 hours of the concrete being poured.  However, this can be slightly variable according to the local environment, the level of humidity in the atmosphere and the drying rate of the slab.

Why do we cut expansion joints in freshly poured concrete slabs?

As anyone with some understanding of science will know, as concrete dries and sets it constricts or shrinks.  This inevitably leads to cracks occurring.  The reason we cut expansion joints is to encourage those cracks to occur in straight lines rather than randomly in different directions. Expansion joints are also sometimes referred to as ‘control joints’.  Without these, ‘uncontrolled’ cracks will inevitably form in the concrete surface. National Drilling Services works with many floor laying companies around the UK and in some cases beyond our shores.  We can provide expansion joint cutting services working with tight tolerances required on super flat floors to external transport yards.

Do expansion joint cuts need to be filled?

Expansion joint cuts, if left open and exposed to the elements could cause deterioration in the concrete slab.  Therefore, we recommend that these expansion joints are filled or sealed.  This is another service that we can provide, which means you do not need to call a separate contractor to complete the job.  You can read more about our expansion joint sealing techniques. To speak to one of our team about expansion joint cutting and sealing call us on 0161 443 2822. We will be happy to discuss the requirements of your site, the size and depth of the concrete slabs and of course the schedule for pouring and therefore cutting.  Occasionally we do get asked if we can cut expansion joints in old concrete slabs.  Although it is recommended to create controlled joint cuts or expansion cuts soon after the laying of the concrete, it is possible to cut expansion joints in older floors, but care must be taken when doing so.

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