National Drilling Services

Electric Floor Sawing Services – The Process

Electric Floor Sawing

Clients sometimes ask us what is involved in electric floor sawing.  At National Drilling Services we have almost 40 years of experience working in drilling and sawing, serving the UK construction industry. Our operatives all have a range of qualifications. They are well trained in using our electric floor sawing equipment as well as other drilling, cutting tools and robotic demolition machines. Electric floor sawing is a precise process for cutting lines or channels in floors, often for cabling or pipework or simply for expansion in concrete slabs. It can be used on any horizontal surfaces, inside warehouses or large halls or outside on pavements or yards.

Key Steps

The first step in electric floor sawing is to the mark the cut line.  At this time the floor area to be cut is also cleaned to remove any debris which may potentially affect the accuracy of the cut.

The circular diamond edged blades are mounted on a spindle on the electric floor sawing machine housing the motor and controls. The blade is aligned to the surface to be cut. As the circular blades have diamonds embedded in them, they can cut through tough material including reinforced concrete and materials used for external and internal flooring. Using this system our operatives can cut to depths of up to 600mm.  The operator walks behind the machine as it cuts. These electric floor sawing machines can be powered by petrol or diesel engines or an electric motor.

Does electric floor sawing cause friction?

Any time you are cutting through hard materials, especially at speed, there will inevitably be an element of friction.  Friction obviously causes heat, but to keep the build up of heat under control we use water to cool the blade. There are also other advantages to using water to reduce the temperature.  The water also helps to clean the blade and the cut, which provides a sharp, clean and accurate finish free from debris. As the area is clear of loose material this also helps to extend the life of the blade. To find out more about how we can help you and your construction site with electric floor sawing, drilling, cutting or demolition services give one of our team a call.  You can contact us at our head office in Manchester on 0161 443 2822 or if you prefer you can contact a team more local to you.  We have regional offices in Birmingham, Blackpool, Chester, Ipswich, Leeds and Liverpool.

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