National Drilling Services

Did you know we provide expansion joint sealing & drilling services?

concrete bursting

With a name like National Drilling Services, most people realise that we provide drilling services and some know that we also provide sawing services. Did you know that we also provide products and services for sealing expansion joints? In fact, we offer installation of all major expansion joint sealing services manufacturer’s products. Our trained operatives at National Drilling are able and capable of working in a variety of environments; wherever expansion sealing of joints is required.  Working in the industry for over three decades, we have the expertise and experience of a well established business.

How can National Drilling Services help with expansion joint sealing and crack repairs?

National Drilling use expansion joint sealants from major manufacturers such as Fosroc and Permaban, amongst others.  We work with polysulphates, 1 & 2 part sealants which use silicone bitumen which are used hot poured.
For floor joints we use Permaban tape to seal the joint then inject it with resin.  In situations where concrete floors have cracked we have a number of solutions to secure the surface and seal the crack.  As a responsible and reputable company with many years of experience in the industry, we have spent time researching and testing products to enable us to carry out high quality repair services. Click here to see more on our expansion joint sealing services. Here you can also complete an enquiry form to tell us more about your particular expansion joint sealing requirements.

What steps do National Drilling take to seal cracks in concrete?

  • Firstly using a diamond blade the floor cracks are chased out
  • To enable the resin to penetrate into the floor slab, holes are drilled within the crack.  This increases the strength around the crack and helps to prevent the crack spreading further
  • After the resin is poured into the holes and crack, the crack is sealed with a thixotropic epoxy paste.  This paste is left proud of the crack to harden, so needs to be fenced to prevent tripping and to allow the paste to set.
  • The following day the hardened paste along the crack is then sanded to create a smooth finish and the area is ready to be used again

For more information about how National Drilling Services can help your organisation or your clients with expansion joint sealing call us 0161 443 2822 or alternatively email us [email protected].

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