National Drilling Services

Diamond wire sawing continues through lockdown

concrete bursting

2020 may not have been the year we had anticipated back in January. However, we wanted to let you know that this second national lockdown has not stopped the team at National Drilling Services providing diamond wire sawing, cutting, drilling and demolition services to construction sites large and small across the UK. In fact we are now busier than ever as the property market endeavours to catch up on lost time and it seems the people of the UK are investing in construction, building and property rather than travel or events which unfortunately for those industries has largely come to a halt.

Customers using diamond wire sawing services from National Drilling Services


It is usually our larger customers and more major construction sites where diamond wire sawing services are required.  Our trained and experienced operators employ diamond wire sawing techniques on larger structures where track sawing is not possible due to the scale of the project.  National Drilling Services work with a number of large construction companies who return to us for each new project they undertake.  We provide them not only with diamond wire sawing, but also drilling, cutting and demolition services. Some people ask us what exactly is diamond wire sawing…

Diamond wire sawing – an explanation

Diamond wire sawing is exactly as its name suggests.  Our top quality diamond wire sawing equipment involves a multi stranded cable or ‘wire’ which is fitted with diamond beads.  These are then threaded through a series of pulleys.  As the diamond beads are very hard and the cables are strong, when they are pulled past hard materials such as reinforced concrete they make a sharp cut into the surface.  As you can imagine this causes a high amount of friction which is why we use a water cooling system to keep the surfaces wet and cool.  This has the added benefit of keeping the dust levels low as well.

Further benefits of diamond wire sawing

Apart from the fact that diamond wire sawing creates a clean sharp cut with very little dust, there are also a number of other benefits of using this method of sawing.  It is a fast way to create the cuts required on your site with low noise levels and an unlimited cutting depth.  What’s more there are no fumes and it is none percussive so it is a safe way of sawing for both the operator and other site workers.  As it is operated remotely there is very little risk to the operator or foreman overseeing the cutting.

You can learn more about National Drilling Services and our high levels of health and safety on our website.

To find out how diamond wire sawing could benefit your next project call us on 0161 443 2822 or you can drop us an email outlining the details [email protected].

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