National Drilling Services

Diamond wire sawing avoids hand arm vibration risks

Diamond wire sawing is one of the methods of cutting that our team uses to minimise the risks to our operators, whilst creating efficient, clean cuts for our construction clients.  We work on large multi-million projects on major sites as well as small domestic jobs, wherever diamond wire sawing, drilling, cutting or demolition is required.

The management at National Drilling Services takes safety very seriously, which means our operators are also highly aware of best practice.  In fact, the operatives who use any of our drilling, cutting or sawing equipment hold a variety of current qualifications.  These include CSCS, CPCS, SSSTS as well as relevant NVQ qualifications.

As suggested by HSE

The HSE advocate the use of diamond wire sawing on their webpage citing an example of diamond wire cutting in a case study.  In the summary of this case, the HSE highlights the advantages of diamond wire sawing as:

  • safer for the operative than a percussive alternative
  • remote operation avoids hand arm vibration risks
  • quicker than other cutting methods, reducing time on site
  • quieter than alternative options meaning lower noise levels
  • less damage to the remaining structure

In addition to these benefits of diamond wire sawing, we can also add that there are no fumes.  This is an advantage, not only to our operators but also anyone else working on the site near to the cutting action.  It is also better for the environment.

Helping you meet your site schedules safely

Diamond wire sawing is a top choice of cutting method when you need to cut through reinforced materials efficiently and cleanly. This method of sawing through reinforced concrete is very accurate and will leave a straight, smooth cut edge.  It is also a useful way of cutting through strong materials in complex environments or where access is restricted. An example of this is when beams or columns need to be sawn through.  In such cases accuracy of depth is key as well as avoiding damage to remaining structures.  In this sort of situation, the speed of diamond wire sawing is often imperative to meeting the schedules of the site plan and management.

Inevitably when using this technique the friction caused by the cutting creates heat.  That is why we use water to cool the cutting site and equipment which also minimises the dust, which is another benefit to using the diamond wire sawing method.

For more information or to discuss your site requirements in more detail contact us on 0161 443 2822.

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