National Drilling Services

Diamond Core Drilling – Why you need a specialist

concrete floor with core drill

Diamond Core Drilling is a skill which requires specialist equipment operated by experienced operatives.  National Drilling Services, as our name suggests, is the leader in the UK market for drilling.  We work on construction sites across the UK and even beyond our shores. Many of our clients ask us to provide drilling, sawing and cutting services on multiple sites.  Finding a reputable supplier to provide your diamond core drilling services is important to the quality and efficiency of the completed job. It is also helpful if your chosen supplier keeps stock of different sized drill heads to ensure all sizes of required hole can be drilled without waiting for parts.

Why use National Drilling Services for your diamond core drilling requirements?

The team at National Drilling Services has been providing drilling to clients for nearly 4 decades.  We take pride in training and retraining our operatives to ensure all specialist equipment is used safely and efficiently.  Health and Safety on site is one of our key focuses.  Our teams work to the appropriate standards and methods to ensure equipment is operated safely on site. National Drilling Services has been awarded a number of accreditations and our operatives each hold a range of qualifications, as well as being experienced in drilling and sawing. The process of diamond core drilling is a low HAVs operation which also fits with our health and safety focus for all our operatives.

With our stock of various sized diamond core drill heads, we are able to offer our clients to drill holes of sizes from as small as 10mm to as wide in diameter as 1000mm.  The depths can be any to suit your site requirements. The diamonds on the drill head are so tough that they enable us to drill through the hardest materials, whether masonry or reinforced concrete.

As the diamond core drilling machine is operated by electricity, air or hydraulically there are no fumes. It also only creates a minimum amount of noise and debris, meaning you can quickly start work on the next stage of your construction, without having to spend time clearing the area of spoil.

If you are looking for a reputable supplier with teams working in the UK construction industry to carry out your diamond core drilling, do get in touch with us.  You can call us at our head office on 0161 443 2822 or alternatively speak to one of our regional team or complete our online contact form.

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