National Drilling Services

When to use concrete floor sawing

National Drilling Services provide concrete floor sawing as well as a wider range of sawing, cutting and of course drilling services.  Cutting through concrete requires specific sawing equipment.  National Drilling Services has invested in a range of sawing, cutting and drilling equipment over the years to enable us to offer a wide selection of cutting services to the construction and civil engineering industry across the UK.  We have worked on expansive sites for national organisations as well as small domestic projects all over the kingdom.  In fact many construction businesses come back to National Drilling Services repeatedly to engage us to work on new sites in different areas of the country, as you will see on our website

When to use concrete floor sawing

Concrete floor sawing is required for a number of reasons in a variety of situations.  Most commonly National Drilling Services provides concrete floor sawing for cutting concrete on roadways, bridges, carriageways and concrete slabs including car parks, warehouses and yards.  Our specialist concrete sawing equipment allows us to make precision cuts for ducts, drainage and expansion.  We can cut through reinforced concrete to a depth of up to 500mm.  Concrete floor sawing is a reliable method for creating clean cuts on flat concrete surfaces.

Which power method of concrete sawing is appropriate for your site?

Our concrete floor sawing equipment can be powered in three different ways according to your site requirements, risks and facilities.  For indoor concrete floor sawing, such as in warehouses or multi story car parks, we usually use our 3 phase electric powered machines.  This eliminates the risk of fumes in a confined space where this could be an issue with a petrol or diesel engine.  However in more remote locations where access to power is perhaps more difficult and we are working outside, then the petrol or diesel engines are more often employed.

Whichever power option we select for your concrete floor sawing requirements, we will attach a large blade to the machine.  We have a wide selection of diamond blades which allow us to make clean cuts.  With many different diameters available our training and experienced technicians can select the size most appropriate for creating a clean and efficient cut at the desired depth.

You can talk to our team to book your concrete floor sawing job into our schedule or if you would like to find out more about our concrete floor sawing services call us on 0161 443 2822.

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